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Trang chủ » [클릭 유도] 개역 성경 소개: 현대인에게 필요한 역사적인 성서 인정받은 이유는?

[클릭 유도] 개역 성경 소개: 현대인에게 필요한 역사적인 성서 인정받은 이유는?

[개역한글][성경낭독]  4복음서 낭독 / 김소정 아나운서 / 8시간 43분

개역 성경

개역 성경이란 무엇인가?

개역 성경은 한글로 된 성경 중에서 대표적인 번역본이다. 개역 성경은 영어와 그리스어 등 다른 언어로 된 원본 성서를 한국어로 번역하는 과정을 거쳐 만들어졌다.

개역 성경 역사와 배경

19세기 말, 20세기 초 한국은 천주교와 프로테스턴티즘의 선교를 받았다. 그 당시 선교사들이 한국인들에게 성경을 전달하는데 문제가 있었다. 당시에는 한글로 된 성경이 없었기 때문에 이를 이해하는게 어려웠다. 그래서 선교사들은 유럽과 미국에서 불어와 영어 등으로 된 성경을 가져와 한글로 번역하여 전달했다. 그러나 이는 한국인들이 언어적 이해도가 높지 않았기 때문에 이해하기 어렵다는 문제점이 있었다.

이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해, 개역판 성경을 만드는 작업이 시작되었다. 이 작업에 참여한 선교사 중에는 알버트 어큐 필립스, 하로우 버르웰, AI. 리그러 등이 있었다. 이들은 각각의 역할을 맡아 원어와 한글 사이의 번역, 편집 및 검수 작업을 수행했다.

1894년 6월에 선교사들이 작업한 개역판 신약이 완성되었고, 1900년에는 전체 성서인 개역판 성경이 발표되었다. 이후 개역 성경은 한국에서 가장 인기 있는 성경 번역본 중 하나가 되었다.

대표적인 개역 성경판들의 특징

개역 성경에서 가장 많이 사용되는 성경판은 개역한글 성경, 개역개정 성경, 새번역성경이다.

개역한글 성경은 알파벳과 한글이 섞인 것으로 이루어져 있다. 이는 당시의 한글 작성 방식인 음절적 문자 작성을 따랐기 때문이다. 이러한 특징은 현재의 한글과 대조해서는 이해하기 어려울 수 있으며, 이해하는 데 시간이 걸릴 수 있다.

개역개정 성경은 개역판 성경에 수차례의 수정 작업을 거쳐 만들어졌다. 개역판 성경이 초기 한글의 특징을 따라 만들어졌던 것과 달리, 개역개정 성경은 모던한 한글을 사용하여 만들어졌다.

마지막으로, 새번역성경은 1961년에 발표된 성경판이다. 이 성경판은 개역판 성경에서 시작되어 수차례의 개정 작업을 거쳐 만들어졌다. 개역판 성경과는 달리, 새번역성경은 모던한 한글을 사용하여 만들어졌으며, 오류나 번역문제점이 수정되었다.

개역 성경이 다른 성경판들과 차이점

개역 성경은 다른 성경판들과 차이가 있다. 이는 개역 성경의 원어에서 한글로의 번역이 해당 선교사들이 개인적인 의견을 포함할 수 있었기 때문이다. 예를 들어, “성령”이라는 단어는 일반적으로 “the Holy Spirit”로 번역되지만, 개역판 성경에서는 “聖靑”, “聖陀” 등 다양한 번역어가 사용되었다.

또한, 개역 성경은 다른 성경판들보다 리디먼트(Revised Version) 번역과 같은 자유로운 번역법을 적용했다. 이는 개역 성경에서 ‘고’, ‘어디’, ‘하느님’, ‘주님’ 등과 같은 단어를 사용하는 것으로 나타난다.

개역 성경의 성서 번역 원칙 및 방법

개역 성경의 성서 번역 원칙은 다음과 같다.

1. 원어에 의거한 번역 원칙

2. 가독성을 위한 번역 원칙

3. 정확성을 위한 번역 원칙

4. 한글의 특성을 고려한 번역 원칙

이번 성서번역에서 사용된 방법은 다음과 같다.

1. 문장 하나씩 번역하되 원어의 순서를 유지

2. 원어의 강조나 감정, 의도에 따른 번역

3. 동사, 명사, 조사, 어근, 양사 등 구분하여 번역

4. 한글의 표현력을 고려해 맞춤법과 언어 규칙을 적용하여 번역

개역 성경 번역의 어려움과 문제점

개역 성경 번역의 어려움과 문제점은 여러 가지가 있다. 먼저, 개역 성경은 원래의 언어를 완벽하게 이해하지 않고서도 번역된 성서임을 고려해야한다. 또한, 선교사들의 개인적인 의견이 번역에 반영될 가능성이 있다.

또한, 번역 시 일부 언어들의 의미나 콘텍스트를 적절하게 번역하기 어렵다. 따라서, 번역된 언어가 원래의 언어로 전달한 것보다 다소 다를 수 있다.

한국 개역 성경의 역사와 현재

한국 개역 성경의 역사는 선교사들이 처음 개역판을 만들었던 1894년부터 시작되었다. 이후, 개역판 성경은 여러 차례 수정되었으며, 현재는 개역한글 성경, 개역개정 성경, 새번역성경 등이 있다.

현재, 한국 개역 성경은 교회에서 많이 사용되는 성경 번역본 중 하나이다. 또한, 인터넷에서도 쉽게 다운로드할 수 있어 누구나 손쉽게 성경을 읽을 수 있다.

개역 성경이 교회와 개인적인 신앙생활에 미친 영향

개역 성경은 교회와 개인적인 신앙생활에 미치는 영향이 크다. 개역 성경은 교회멤버들 사이에서 통일성을 가져다줄 뿐만 아니라, 신자들이 성경을 읽기 쉽고 이해하기 쉽도록 도와준다.

개역 성경이 개인적인 신앙생활에 미치는 영향은 개인의 선교활동, 집안내 복음 전도 등에 매우 긍정적이다. 개역 성경은 한글로 되어 있는 것이 이한일 초기에 배웠던 언어이자, 한국 사학과의 관련성도 높다.

미래의 개역 성경 발전 방향과 전망

미래의 개역 성경 발전 방향과 전망은 세밀한 수정과 개선이 필요하다. 개역판 성경은 현재까지 시대에 따라 수정이 되어왔고, 새번역성경이 생겨나는 등 계속적인 발전이 이루어지고 있다.

결론적으로, 개역 성경은 한국에서 매우 인기 있는 성경 번역본 중 하나로, 서로 다른판에 따라 다른 번역 어조와 표현이 주목되고 있다. 개역 성경이 교회와 개인적인 신앙생활에서 사용되고 있는 이유는, 오랜 역사의 유산을 가지고 있는 만큼 한국인들 사이에서 매우 신뢰성 있는 성경번역으로 인식되기 때문이다.


1. 개역 성경이란 무엇인가요?
개역 성경은 한글로 된 성경 중에서 대표적인 번역본으로, 영어와 그리스어 등 다른 언어로 된 원본 성서를 한국어로 번역한 것입니다.

2. 어떻게 개역 성경이 만들어졌나요?
19세기 말 20세기 초 한국에서는 천주교와 프로테스턴티즘의 선교를 받았는데, 이 당시 선교사들은 성경을 전달하기 위해 유럽과 미국에서 불어와 영어 등으로 된 성경을 가져와 한글로 번역한 것이 처음이었습니다.

이후에는 선교사들이 이를 개선하기 위해 개역판 성경을 만들어나갔습니다. 이 작업에 참여한 선교사들은 각각의 역할을 맡아 원어와 한글 사이의 번역, 편집 및 검수 작업을 수행했습니다.

3. 개역 한글 성경과 개역개정 성경은 어떤 차이가 있나요?
개역한글 성경은 알파벳과 한글이 섞인 것으로 이루어져 있어, 이해하기 어려울 수 있습니다. 반면에 개역개정 성경은 모던한 한글을 사용하여 만들어졌으며, 개역판 성경의 문제점들이 보완되어있어 보다 편리한 사용이 가능합니다.

4. 개역 성경은 다른 성경판들과 어떤 차이가 있나요?
다른 성경판들에 비해 개역 성경의 번역법은 자유롭고, 원어의 순서를 유지하는 번역법을 사용한다는 점에서 차이가 있습니다.

5. 한국 개역 성경이 교회에 영향을 미치는 방식은 어떤 것이 있나요?
한국 개역 성경은 교회에서 매우 많이 사용되는 성경 번역본 중 하나입니다. 개역판 성경에서 이름이 굳어지는 것에 이르기까지 용어들의 통일성을 가져다주고, 숙어, 언어, 표현에 대한 이해도를 높여주기 때문에 많은 영향력을 가지고 있습니다.

6. 미래의 개역 성경 발전 방향과 전망은 어떤 것이 있나요?
미래의 개역 성경 발전 방향과 전망은 세밀한 수정과 개선을 위해 계속적인 발전이 필요하다는 것입니다. 오랜 역사의 유산을 가지고 있어 한국인들 사이에서 매우 신뢰성 있는 성경번역으로 인식되기도 하지만, 선교사분들의 개인적인 의견이 반영될 가능성이 있으므로 수정과 보완이 필요합니다.

Keywords searched by users: 개역 성경 개역한글 성경, 개역개정 성경 다운로드, 개역개정 성경 읽기, 성경읽기 개역한글, 인터넷 성경 개역개정, 개역개정판, 새번역성경, 개역한글 개역개정 차이

Categories: Top 12 개역 성경

[개역한글][성경낭독] 4복음서 낭독 / 김소정 아나운서 / 8시간 43분

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개역한글 성경

개역한글 성경 is a translation of the Bible into Korean made by a group of missionaries in 1910. It is unique in that it uses a system of writing called Hanja, which is a system of Chinese characters that have been modified to fit into the Korean language. This translation has been used by millions of Korean Christians over the past century and has played a significant role in shaping the country’s religious and cultural history.


The idea to translate the Bible into Korean originated from a group of Swedish missionaries in the late 19th century. At the time, the only available Korean translation was a Chinese character-based one that many Koreans found difficult to understand. The missionaries recognized the need for a translation that was easier for Koreans to read and comprehend and began efforts to create one.

The project was taken up by a group of Korean pastors and scholars, who formed the Korean Bible Society in 1907. Led by the Reverend Haewoong Lim, the group set out to create a new translation of the Bible using the Korean language.

One of the main challenges in creating this new translation was finding a system of writing that could bridge the gap between Korean and Chinese characters. The group settled on using Hanja, which was more accessible to Koreans than traditional Chinese characters.

The translation process took three years, and the final product was published in 1910 as the 개역한글 성경. The name translates to “Revised Korean Bible,” and it quickly became popular among the Korean people.


The publication of the 개역한글 성경 had significant implications for the Korean people. Prior to its publication, the majority of the population was illiterate, and those who could read were often only able to do so in Chinese. The creation of a Korean-language Bible using Hanja allowed more Koreans to read and understand the Bible, which has had a lasting impact on the country’s cultural and religious history.

The 개역한글 성경 also played a crucial role in the formation of the Korean Protestant church. Prior to its publication, the Catholic church dominated Christianity in Korea. However, the availability of a Korean-language Bible allowed Protestant teachings to spread quickly throughout the country. Today, Protestantism is the dominant religion in South Korea, with approximately 25% of the population identifying as Protestant.

Another notable influence of the 개역한글 성경 is its impact on the Korean language itself. The translation team was careful to use language that was accessible to the average Korean, which helped to standardize the language and establish it as the national language. Today, the writing system developed by the missionaries is known as modern Hangul, an integral part of Korean language education.


Q: What is the difference between the 개역한글 성경 and other Korean translations of the Bible?

A: The main difference between the 개역한글 성경 and other Korean translations is the use of the Hanja writing system. Other translations typically use a combination of Hangul and Chinese characters, while the 개역한글 성경 solely uses Hanja, making it more accessible to the average Korean.

Q: Why is the publication of the 개역한글 성경 significant to Korean history?

A: The publication of the 개역한글 성경 was significant in that it allowed more Koreans to read and understand the Bible, which had a lasting impact on the country’s cultural and religious history. It also played a crucial role in the formation of the Protestant church in Korea and helped to standardize the Korean language.

Q: What was the translation process for the 개역한글 성경?

A: The translation process for the 개역한글 성경 took three years and was carried out by a group of Korean pastors and scholars. The process involved selecting Hanja characters that were more accessible to Koreans and using language that was easy for the average Korean to understand.

Q: How has the 개역한글 성경 influenced the Korean language?

A: The 개역한글 성경 helped to standardize the Korean language and establish it as the national language. The translation team used language that was accessible to the average Korean, which helped to simplify and standardize the language.

Q: Is the 개역한글 성경 still widely used in Korea today?

A: Yes, the 개역한글 성경 is still widely used in Korea today, particularly among Protestant Christians. Many Korean Christians view it as the most accessible and authoritative version of the Bible in the Korean language.

개역개정 성경 다운로드

개역개정 성경 다운로드: Everything You Need to Know

개역개정 성경 (Revised Korean Bible) is a popular translation of the Bible among Korean Christians. It was first published in 1961 by the Korean Bible Society and was revised in 1991. The Revised Korean Bible translation is widely used in Korean Protestant churches, and it is especially popular among evangelicals. The translation has undergone different revisions, but the most remarkable one was made in 1991 when it was first published in modern Korean, making the Bible language more accessible to contemporary Korean speakers. As technology and digital platforms have advanced, it is now possible to download the Revised Korean Bible online, making it more convenient and accessible than ever before.

In this article, we will provide you everything you need to know about 개역개정 성경 다운로드 (Revised Korean Bible download), including its history, features, and FAQs.

The History of 개역개정 성경

The history of 개역개정 성경 began when Henry G. Appenzeller, the first Protestant missionary in Korea, published a translation of the New Testament in Korean in 1887. The translation was called Sin Hun-Um and was made from the original Greek text. Korea was under Japanese colonial rule at that time, and religious activities were strictly regulated. Appenzeller’s translation was banned, and he was subsequently arrested and sent to prison.

Despite Appenzeller’s imprisonment, many Koreans became interested in the Bible and the Christian faith. Thus, when Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule in 1945, there was a significant increase in the number of Korean Christians. In response to the growing interest in Christianity, Korean Bible scholars began translating the Bible into the Korean language.

The first Korean full translation of the Bible was the Gae-ri-hyeon-gang-gyeon (각례현강경), which was published in 1911. However, the language used was Old Korean, which made it difficult for contemporary Korean speakers to understand. Hence, the Revised Korean Bible was published, with the translation beginning in the 1950s and the first edition published in 1961.

The translation was done by a team of Korean Bible scholars who translated the New Testament from the Greek text and the Old Testament from the Hebrew and Aramaic texts. In the 1961 edition, the language used was considered somewhat archaic, but it was still widely used amongst Korean churches.

In 1991, the Revised Korean Bible underwent major revisions to make it more accessible to modern Korean speakers. The latest revision includes changes to the vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure to reflect contemporary Korean language usage. The revision also includes notes, historical background, and explanations of cultural customs that provide contemporary Korean readers with a better understanding of the biblical text.

What are the Features of Revised Korean Bible?

1. Literal translation: Revised Korean Bible is a formal translation that aims to stick as closely as possible to the original biblical texts of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The goal is to offer a more accurate translation of the original texts while retaining its meaning and context.

2. Easy to read: The modern Korean language has been used in the Revised Korean Bible to make it more accessible to contemporary Korean speakers and fluent readers.

3. Historical and Cultural Background: The Revised Korean Bible includes footnotes, historical background, and explanations of cultural customs that provide contemporary Korean readers with a better understanding of the biblical text.

4. Other features: The Revised Korean Bible contains maps, concordances, indexes, and references to help readers navigate through the Bible.

How to Download Revised Korean Bible

1. Visit a website that offers downloading services of Revised Korean Bible.

2. Check the authenticity of the website and read the reviews.

3. Choose the format you want to download, such as a PDF, eBook, or MP3.

4. Click on the download button and wait for the download to finish.

5. Once the download is complete, save the file in your device and start reading.


1. Is Revised Korean Bible free?

Yes, there are websites where you can download Revised Korean Bible for free. However, some websites may charge a fee. Always check the authenticity of the website and reviews before downloading to avoid malware or viruses.

2. Can I use Revised Korean Bible for commercial purposes?

No, Revised Korean Bible is a copyrighted work, and permission is required to use it for commercial purposes.

3. What is the difference between Revised Korean Bible and the original Korean Bible?

The Revised Korean Bible was published in the modern Korean language, making it more accessible to contemporary Korean speakers. It went through several revisions to update the vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure to reflect contemporary Korean usage, making it easier and more understandable for Korean readers. The original Korean Bible, on the other hand, was written in Old Korean, which can be challenging to understand.

4. Is Revised Korean Bible different from other Korean Bible translations?

Yes, there are other Korean Bible translations, such as the Korean Studium Biblicum or the standard Korean Revised Version (개역개정판성경). However, the Revised Korean Bible is the most widely used translation among Korean Protestant churches, and its popularity continues to grow.

In conclusion, the Revised Korean Bible has undergone significant transformation since its first publication in the 1960s. With the most recent revision in 1991, it has become even more accessible and understandable to contemporary Korean speakers. The convenience of being able to download the Revised Korean Bible online has made it an even more useful tool for Korean Christians. If you are looking to read the Bible in modern Korean language, Revised Korean Bible is a great resource to start with.

개역개정 성경 읽기

개역개정 성경 읽기 or the Revised Version of the Bible is a translation of the Holy Scriptures from its original languages, such as Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic, into Korean. The first Korean version of the Bible was published in 1910, known as the Old Testament Korean translation. The New Testament translation was published in 1911, and in 1917, the first complete version of the Korean Bible was produced. Since then, there have been various translations made, but the most widely used and recognized version by the Korean Christian community is the Revised Version of the Bible.

What is the Revised Version of the Bible?

The Revised Version of the Bible is an updated and more accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures from its original languages into Korean. It is based on the principles of dynamic equivalence, which means that the translators aimed to convey the meaning of the text rather than a literal word-for-word translation. The Revised Version of the Bible was produced by a team of scholars led by Rev. Dr. James Scarth Gale, a Canadian Presbyterian missionary who had been working in Korea since 1888.

Why is the Revised Version of the Bible important?

The Revised Version of the Bible is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it is a reliable and accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures from its original languages. The scholars who worked on this translation were experts in biblical languages, and their work ensured that the Korean-speaking Christian community has access to a version that is as close to the original text as possible.

Secondly, the Revised Version of the Bible is in the Korean language, and it has helped to spread Christianity in Korea. Korea is a country with a large Christian population, and this version has helped to strengthen the faith of many believers and has also served as a tool for evangelism.

Finally, the Revised Version of the Bible has played a crucial role in the development of the Korean language. The translation team had to make use of the Korean language in a way that accurately conveyed the meaning of the original text. In doing so, they helped to develop the Korean language and its vocabulary.

How can I read the Revised Version of the Bible?

The Revised Version of the Bible is available in different formats, including print, digital, and audio versions. You can purchase a physical copy of the Bible from most Christian bookstores or order it online. There are also numerous free digital versions available online, including on the official Korean Bible Society website. Additionally, you can access audio versions of the Bible through various apps and online platforms.

What are the key features of the Revised Version of the Bible?

The Revised Version of the Bible is a reliable and accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures into Korean. Some notable features of this version include:

– Faithful to the original text: The translators aimed to convey the meaning of the original text accurately while making use of the Korean language in a way that accurately reflected the nuances and subtleties of the original text.

– Clarity: The Revised Version of the Bible is written in clear and understandable Korean. This makes it easier for readers to understand without losing the essential meaning of the text.

– Contemporary language: The translators made use of contemporary Korean language, which helped to make the text more accessible to readers. This also contributed to the development of the Korean language.

– Readability: The Revised Version of the Bible is easily readable, making it accessible to both new and experienced readers of the Bible.


1. Is the Revised Version of the Bible the only Korean version of the Bible?

No, there are several versions of the Korean Bible, but the Revised Version of the Bible is the most widely used and recognized.

2. Can non-Korean speakers read the Revised Version of the Bible?

Yes, there are English translations of the Revised Version of the Bible available. However, it is worth noting that the translation aims to convey the meaning of the original text into Korean, so some of the nuances and subtleties may not translate well into other languages.

3. Why is the Revised Version of the Bible important to Korean Christians?

For Korean Christians, the Revised Version of the Bible is a reliable and accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures into their language. It has helped to strengthen their faith and has played a crucial role in spreading Christianity in Korea.

4. Is the Revised Version of the Bible a literal translation?

No, the Revised Version of the Bible is not a literal word-for-word translation. Instead, it uses dynamic equivalence to convey the meaning of the text accurately.

5. Where can I read the Revised Version of the Bible online?

The Revised Version of the Bible is available on several online platforms, including the official Korean Bible Society website. There are also numerous free digital versions available online.

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[개역한글][성경낭독]  4복음서 낭독 / 김소정 아나운서 / 8시간 43분
[개역한글][성경낭독] 4복음서 낭독 / 김소정 아나운서 / 8시간 43분

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