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Trang chủ » 객체의 타입 ‘closure’는 부분대입할 수 없습니다: 클로저에 대한 이해와 활용법

객체의 타입 ‘closure’는 부분대입할 수 없습니다: 클로저에 대한 이해와 활용법

R 오류: 유형 폐쇄의 객체는 R에서 부분 집합화할 수 없습니다(2개의 예) | 재현, 디버그 및 수정 방법

객체의 타입 ‘closure’는 부분대입할 수 없습니다

Keywords searched by users: 객체의 타입 ‘closure’는 부분대입할 수 없습니다 R closure 오류, object of type ‘closure’ is not subsettable

Categories: Top 13 객체의 타입 ‘closure’는 부분대입할 수 없습니다

R 오류: 유형 폐쇄의 객체는 R에서 부분 집합화할 수 없습니다(2개의 예) | 재현, 디버그 및 수정 방법

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R closure 오류

R closure is a very common error that many people encounter when using R programming language. This error is caused when the user fails to properly terminate a function or loop that they have started. The error is relatively easy to fix but can be frustrating to those who are new to R programming.

In this article, we will explore what R closure error is, what causes it and how to fix it. We will also provide a list of frequently asked questions at the end of this article for those who are interested in learning more about R closure error.

What is R closure error?

R closure error occurs when the user forgets to close a function or loop in R programming language. This error can be identified by the word ‘Error: unexpected input in ” ” ‘ in the R console. This error message indicates that there is an unknown or unexpected input that has been introduced into the code. The error is caused by a function or loop that has not been properly closed.

For example, if you were to create a loop that counts from 1 to 10 and you forget to close the loop, the R console would display an error message. The message would read as follows: ‘Error: unexpected input in “for(i in 1:10)” ‘.

What causes R closure error?

R closure error is caused by a few different factors, the most common of which is negligence on the part of the programmer. This error is often caused by a simple mistake such as forgetting to close a function or loop.

Another factor that can cause R closure error is poor coding practices. For example, if you create a function that is too long or complicated, it can be difficult to keep track of the parentheses and brackets that are required to close it. This can lead to mistakes and errors that are difficult to identify and correct.

Finally, R closure error can be caused by a typo or syntax error. For example, if you misspell the word ‘function’ or forget to include a comma in the code, it can cause the entire function or loop to fail.

How to fix R closure error?

Fixing R closure error is relatively easy once you have identified the source of the error. To fix this error, you will need to carefully review your code and look for any missing parentheses or brackets.

The first thing you should do is check to see if you have forgotten to close a function or loop. This is the most common cause of R closure error and is often the easiest to correct. Carefully review your code and look for any functions or loops that are missing closing brackets. Once you have identified the problem, simply add the missing bracket to close the loop or function.

Another way to fix R closure error is to use an editor that highlights syntax errors. This can make it easier to identify missing brackets or other syntax errors that may be causing the error. Once you have identified the error, you can simply add the missing syntax and re-run your program.

If you are still having trouble fixing R closure error, you can try running your program through a debugger. A debugger is a program that helps you identify errors in your code by allowing you to step through the code line by line. This can help you identify where the error is occurring and what syntax needs to be fixed.

Finally, if you are having trouble fixing R closure error, you may want to seek help from a more experienced programmer or consultant. They can help you identify the problem and provide guidance on how to fix it.


1. What is the most common cause of R closure error?

The most common cause of R closure error is forgetting to close a function or loop.

2. How do I fix R closure error?

To fix R closure error, you will need to identify where the error is occurring and add the missing syntax.

3. Can poor coding practices cause R closure error?

Yes, poor coding practices can contribute to R closure error by making it difficult to keep track of the parentheses and brackets required to close a function or loop.

4. What should I do if I am having trouble fixing R closure error?

If you are having trouble fixing R closure error, you may want to seek help from a more experienced programmer or consultant. They can help you identify the problem and provide guidance on how to fix it.

5. Can using a debugger help me fix R closure error?

Yes, using a debugger can help you identify where the error is occurring and what syntax needs to be fixed. It allows you to step through your code line by line to identify the problem.

object of type ‘closure’ is not subsettable

In programming languages such as R, Python and JavaScript, closures are a commonly used concept. A closure is a function in which variables can be bound to a specific environment, allowing the function to access those variables even after the environment is gone. However, there is a common error that programmers may come across when working with closures in R, which can be expressed in the Korean phrase “객체 유형 ‘클로저’는 서브셋이 아닙니다.” This roughly translates to “object of type ‘closure’ is not subsettable.” This error can be frustrating when trying to manipulate data, and it’s important for programmers to understand how to avoid it.

What is a Closure?

As mentioned, a closure is a function that allows variables to be bound to a specific environment. This allows a function to maintain access to those variables even when the environment is gone. A closure can be created when a function is defined inside another function.

For example, let’s say you have a function that calculates the average of two numbers:

average <- function(x, y) {
(x + y) / 2

Now, let’s say you want to create a function that takes in the two numbers and calculates the average every time it is called. You can create a closure by defining the new function inside the original function:

calculate_average <- function(x, y) {
average <- function() {
(x + y) / 2

Notice that the `average` function is defined inside the `calculate_average` function and that it returns the `average` function. This creates a closure where the `x` and `y` variables are bound to the environment of the `calculate_average` function. Even after the `calculate_average` function is done executing, the `average` function will maintain access to the `x` and `y` variables.

# Create the closure
my_average <- calculate_average(5, 7)

# Call the closure

This will return `6`, the average of 5 and 7.

The Subsettable Error

Now, let’s say you want to access or modify the `x` or `y` variables of the closure. You might try to do this using the subset operator `[ ]`.

# Access the ‘x’ variable of the closure

However, when you try this, you will get the error “객체 유형 ‘클로저’는 서브셋이 아닙니다.” This error roughly translates to “object of type ‘closure’ is not subsettable.”

This error occurs because closures are not subsettable in R. You cannot access or modify variables in a closure using the subset operator `[ ]`. Trying to do so will result in the above error message.

How to Avoid the Error

If you encounter the “closure not subsettable” error, there are a few ways to avoid it. The first is to simply not try to access or modify variables in a closure using the subset operator. Closures are designed to maintain access to variables, but they are not designed to be manipulated from outside the closure. If you need to access or modify variables in a closure, you should do so from within the closure itself.

Another way to avoid the error is to use a list instead of a closure. In many cases, a closure may be unnecessary and a simple list can be used instead. A list allows you to store multiple variables and access or modify them using the subset operator `[ ]`. Here is an example of using a list instead of a closure:

# Define a list
my_list <- list(x = 5, y = 7)

# Define a function that returns the average
list_average <- function(list) {
(list$x + list$y) / 2

# Call the function with the list

# Access the ‘x’ variable of the list

This code achieves the same result as the closure example earlier, but it uses a list instead of a closure. Notice that you can access the `x` variable of the list using the subset operator without encountering an error.


Q: What is a closure in programming?

A: A closure is a function in which variables can be bound to a specific environment, allowing the function to access those variables even after the environment is gone.

Q: What does the error “객체 유형 ‘클로저’는 서브셋이 아닙니다.” mean in Korean?

A: This error roughly translates to “object of type ‘closure’ is not subsettable.”

Q: Why can’t I access or modify variables in a closure using the subset operator in R?

A: Closures are designed to maintain access to variables, but they are not designed to be manipulated from outside the closure. If you need to access or modify variables in a closure, you should do so from within the closure itself.

Q: What can I use instead of a closure in R?

A: In many cases, a simple list can be used instead of a closure. A list allows you to store multiple variables and access or modify them using the subset operator `[ ]`.

Q: How can I avoid the “closure not subsettable” error in R?

A: You can avoid the error by not trying to access or modify variables in a closure using the subset operator `[ ]`. If you need to access or modify variables in a closure, you should do so from within the closure itself. Alternatively, you can use a list instead of a closure.

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R 오류: 유형 폐쇄의 객체는 R에서 부분 집합화할 수 없습니다(2개의 예) | 재현, 디버그 및 수정 방법
R 오류: 유형 폐쇄의 객체는 R에서 부분 집합화할 수 없습니다(2개의 예) | 재현, 디버그 및 수정 방법

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